
Showing posts from January, 2017

The Great Gatsby

The Great Gatsby Chapter 1 We learn about the narrator who is also a character in the book. We read that this story going have to be about the Great Gabtsy. We meet Tom who does not seem a good person. The cousin Daisy who is very out going and her friend. What the narrator finds the most mysterious is Gabtsy. He see him at the end of the dock looking at a green light.

The Great Gatsby

Epigraph: quote that shows in the beginning of a book We are going to know Gatsby through the words of the narrator  Gatsby is okay but there is something missing  Tom is not a good person  He seems as a controlling person  There two young women  Unfortunately I seen the movie first. So far I seen that he had gone to visit Tom who has never been close to. He going to meet to young lady's. 

Everything is a REMIX

Everything is a REMIX It was first experience through hip hop. To the present day it mostly seen in music can be seen as creativity Picasso are was seen as creativity because it has been never done before 3 basic element: Copy, transform and combine Domain knowledge knowing the language communication transformation: making it better have knowledge what is existences to create   like Tomas Edison is not create the light bulb-he improved it to be of greater use Copy, Transform and Combine are the main basic elements


Music is literature that is expressed in a different form such as rap, poem, symphony, and plays. Like literature written as stories it has themes. It conveys a message throughout, there a conflict that need to be solved like any written work.